Thursday, August 25, 2011

Libertarian Pollicy to Libya

Libya is going to make Iraq seem like a walk n the park once Qaddafi is gone. There is nothing that we can do about it other than to encourage the rebels to split it up into its various tribes. From the square shape of the country it's apparent it was made up by a colonial power. Any semblance of institution has been destroyed. The country is tribal and any attempt to make it different will be the bloody basis of another despotic reign.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Military Industrial Complex

Ron Paul quoted retired Secretary of Defense Gates pronouncement that “anyone advocating a third war for the U. S. is nuts.” I'll further state that anyone who believes that the defense budget can't use some further cutting back is nuts as well. Deploying an air craft carrier and its fleet to break up a line of donkeys carrying supplies is so expensive that the donkeys win, whether they survive or not. Further more wars of attrition such as Afghanistan are impossible and we as a nation should know it since General George Washington never won a battle during our revolutionary war against the British, he just wore them out.   

Why can't Libertarians and Conservatives come together?

We both believe in the constitution, but conservatives would have been Tories and Libertarians the revolutionaries during the War of Independence. Never the less, Conservatives are a necessary element of political deliberations because they create a drag on coming to too hasty a decision, but it's a hell of a philosophy to hang your hat on.  

Separating Church and State

I can't abide by any candidate who does not keep the separation of Church and State first and foremost in their deliberations. God's will in a political setting can be anything pronounced by an authoritative speaker, such as someone declaring two hundred and twenty five years ago that it was God's will that we remain the loyal subjects of King George the third and to countenance a revolution was blasphemous.  

Scary Perry

Rick Perry's money raising power and “pay to play” Texas culture makes him a scary crony capitalist. I say that Texas has been prospering because of high energy prices and that its economy is doing well in spite of Governor Perry. The contrast between Ron Paul, another Texan, and Rick Perry could not could not be starker. One doles out the people's money to his favored friends while the other would be sick to his stomach being a part of such a sham.  

$50 a Barrel Tax on imported oil

We have an economic malaise of no confidence. Capital is readily available but no where to apply it. What is a country to do? The tax proposed in the title is counter intuitive, but let me postulate that a large cash inflow into the U.S. Treasury will raise confidence and that this inflow may not create much if any outflow from consumer's pockets. This is because the world crude oil market will drop on lesser demand on the margin and speculators will leave the world market further deflating prices. It's very likely that world oil price will drop to $50 leaving the U. S. consumer at the same $100 level prevalent now which will also keep domestic alternative energy investments and oil and gas drillers from suffering and it makes much more sense than promising a $2 a gallon gas price.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Marshall Mcluhan

While Bachmann is young and attractive her supporters are not. Ron Paul's supporters on the other hand are not old and folksy. What's going on here? The Republican establishment doesn't understand Marshall Mcluhan, actually not many do; myself included. Today we are witnessing the premise of the "Media is the Message" with the Arab Spring that started with one lone dissenter in an obscure Tunisian village who became a cause among the young in social media. I postulate that Twitter and Facebook are the natural media of the young and that the young in general who take up this media are libertarian and not authoritarian at heart.
The Republican's are not going to achieve their goal of making Obama a one term President with a great fundraising yet essentailly authoritarian candidate such as Rick Perry. Ron Paul with his consistent libertarian message is doing well. He does not understand it, but he has Marshall Mcluhan on his side and an old media blockbuster will not.

Thomas M. Hoenig, Retiring as President of the Kansas FED RES Bank

Too bad. Mr. Hoeing has been a lone voice in the Federal Reserve looking to break up TBTF banks into smaller entities that fail with no ill effect on the taxpayer when they act imprudently. It's unfortunate that his views are out of touch, possibly since Kansas does not cut much weight in the Federal Reserve, because they are what could save our financial system.
What's wrong with our banking system? First and foremost Wall Street Banks represents too big a percentage of the U. S. economic activity for what are essentially a bunch of cake eaters. The economy needs to shed highly compensed financial engineers that produce nothing and consume greatly. Ben Bernanke has studied the Japanese lost decade (decades?)and still does not understand that by protecting Wall Street and their bonuses that he is doing the same as Japan supporting its walking dead.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Evangelicals do not understand free market economies

Rick Perry of Texas is about to enter the Republican primaries for President and so we will have another Evangelical in the race. Republicans need to renew their commitment to free markets and capitalism which I postulate are libertarian versus God fearing fundamentalists who are authoritarian by nature. When a Perry or  Bachman espouse a free market solution of reduced taxes, government and regulation to add supporters to their tent they create a conflict between authoritarian and libertarian ideals which will result in poor decisions. For example Richard Nixon had no real ideology other than Republican expediency. How else can you explain his putting in wage and price controls when he was President? In spite of rabid anti communism he couldn' have been more like one, authoritarian!