“Representative Eric Cantor of Virginia, the number two House Republican and soon to become majority leader, said that the vote showed that Democrats had failed to learn the lessons of this month's midterm elections” and on the other hand “Representative Earl Blumenauer, Democrat of Oregon, who formed the Congressional Public Broadcasting Caucus, called the Republican effort cynical. I urge members of both parties to focus our efforts on the urgent priorities facing this Congress and stop playing political games with public radio stations.”1
I personally am a big fan of PBS and NPR. I watch and donate regularly. The appeals for donation imply very little government backing for both. My opinion is that it should stop forthwith. The job of launching public broadcasting is done and government should have gotten out a long time ago. Much like Ford in the auto industry experiencing increased support from the public for not taking taxpayer money Public Broadcasting would benefit equally when it is made perfectly clear that it is not government radio or TV.
Public broadcasting is launched. Time to bump it into the non profit private sector and move on. Oh, you disagree? You believe an arm of the government should be in a position to review what is broadcast by PBS or NPR? You didn't like it when the Bush Administration made noises about controlling public broadcasting's liberal bias nor do I like the possible restraint that could be imposed by any administration. Kill it. The money is peanuts in comparison the hacking the defense department needs to take. Congressman Blumenauer stop being such a bonehead and make the new majority leader squirm, backpedal and use inane arguments to defend the indefensible such as increased defense spending and tax cuts for the rich.
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