Sunday, December 2, 2012

Begging for Alms

Watching Meet the Press this Sunday and I am presented with a feel good Citigroup ad directed at opinion makers. It's a desperate tug at the heart strings from a wounded corporation seeking more government favor. There are pieces of Citigroup that can stand on their own and there others that just suck the life blood out of those that have any left. Bernanke and Geither have studied the Japanese economic morass of the last twenty five years, and one conclusion they seemed to have agreed upon was that Japan was too kind to their banks. It's time to rip Citigroup apart because in their present state they are a leech on the economy. When the next crisis comes we can depend on their need for further help and certainly not to be of help. And finally and most importantly it is important to show a hard edge where failure is allowed to over come what in crisis was determined to be a too big to fail bank, but now that the crisis is working towards resolution can be sold off in pieces in an FDIC manner. The country is over banked, especially investment Banks. At one point I believe finance represented 20% of GDP. I think no more than half that would be healthy for the economy. Let's start by chopping Citigroup apart.

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